So the room is crazy! A little caotic. I'm also finding that this whole drawing, done well, will take a LOT longer than class time is going to provide. Ugh! Good thing I have gen eds this semester so I'm not as swamped with projects at the end here. I hope everyone else is coping well, balancing extra curriculars, other classes, and work on top of this massive drawing! Good luck.
We also began talking about a potential exhibition for our Life Drawing II class. We're thinking of hanging up the portraits and the life-size skeletons for people to look at while walking in and out of the applied arts for the Senior Shows on Friday, December 17th! I think that's such a great idea. Most often, all the drawings and hard work put into projects for classes goes relatively unnoticed or unrecognized in the end. And everyone loves a show! I've been a part of a few shows in my college career and had a blast doing each one!! It's so exciting to see your work professionally displayed for others to admire. I can't wait. I've offered to do the posters, but I think we'll just end up discussing this next week or another time in the future. We have a while and poster design is fun so it'll be a welcomed obligation. More updates to come on that!